300 Aspects of meditation in the Therava and Mahisasaka, by A. Wayman. Zen-Meditation, by Enomiya-Lassale. Pure land Buddhism and Nembutzu, the meditation of faith, by W.Johnston. Voies de contemplation dans le Bouddhisme Therava, by E.Pezet. Les Voies spirituelles du Tao 惩 me, by Y.Raguin. Hindu meditation, by M.Dhavamony. Krishna im Sinne der Caitanya-Trition, by W. Eidlitz. La M itation dans la trition musulmane, by J. Jomier. Que nous dit la Bible de la pri 趋 e? by L.Leloir. L'Oraison m 嚢 hodique en Occident, by Ch A.Bernard. La m 嚢 hode h 祢 ychaste, by P.n 辖.