
Mother of Knowledge: The Enlightenment of Ye-shes mTsho-rgyal
作者 Nam-mkhaI snying-po ; Tulku, Tarthang
出版者Dharma Publishing
出版者網址 http://www.dharmapublishing.com/
出版地Berkeley, CA, US [伯克利, 加利福尼亞州, 美國]
關鍵詞Ye-ses-mtsho-rgyal; Lamas; Yogis; China; Tibet; Biography; Yoga; Tantric Buddhism
摘要In this biography of the closest disciple of Padmasambhava, one of Yeshe Tsogyal's fellow disciples tells the
dramatic story of her flight from home, her life as a queen of Tibet, the stages of her spiritual training, and her
enlightened accomplishments. The most important woman in the Nyingma lineage, she received all of Padmasambhava's teachings
and was instrumental in transmitting them to future generations. This text demonstrates the qualities and attitudes
essential for the pursuit of the Vajrayana. A rediscovered Terma text. Adopted for courses at five universities. Includes
thankas, two-color line drawings, map, and glossary.
From the chapter "How Ye-shes mTsho-rgyal Reached Her Goal, Achieved Buddhahood, and Entered the Expanse of All That Is,":
Guru Rinpoche then went to the temple of sKar-chung where he stayed for 7 days, giving blessings. The following morning, as
he was again leaving for the land of Orgyan, Ye-shes mTsho-rgyal asked: "Kye Ma! Even sinful beings look, listen, remember,
and feel…your compassion quickly frees those stuck in the mire of emotionality. O Padmasambhava, Messenger of Buddhas,
continue to look upon the land of Tibet with unbounded compassion! I have completed all my acts of training - now, Lord, I
implore your mercy, I pray to you, put an instant end to this meeting and parting!" Then she asked and received this answer:
"Kye Ma! Listen, daughter of mKhar-chen-bza! The fire crystal of the sun is controlled by powerful forces; thus day and
night, and the four seasons come about. But the openness of space knows nothing of subject and object, grasping and grasped.
The nature of causation is such that the final result must come forth - like farmers who, once they plant, cannot stop the
plants from growing. Ye-shes mTsho-rgyal, because your Pristine Awareness is far-reaching, the seal which binds the
aggregates of your existence has been broken. You are completely free from the stains of emotionality. And though the
limited samsaric mind tries to hold on, it is powerless. Sentient beings who are drawn to radiance, creativity, and
perfection will gain the Developing and Perfecting Stages, and the Great Perfection. Nothing can stop this process."
ISBN0913546909 (hc); 0913546917 (pbk)

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