
The Wisdom of Buddhism
作者 Humphreys, Christmas (著)
出版者Humanities Press International
出版地London, England, UK [倫敦, 英格蘭, 英國]
關鍵詞Sacred books; Scriptures; Collections

ch. 1. The Buddha
1. The unborn
2. The cosmic Buddha
3. His three bodies
4-6. The truth-finder as a way-shower
7. The Buddha's pity
8-10. The Buddha within
ch. 2. The old wisdom schools
The teaching of the elders
11. 'Go ye forth, O Bhikkhus!'
12. The Buddha's teaching
13. The first sermon
14. the fire sermon
15. From the Dhammapada
What is not taught
16. From the Potthapada Sutta
17. Vacchagotta, the Wanderer, is answered
18. The Simsapa leaves
19. 'The word of the Buddha' concerning the noble truths and the eightfold path
20. The four noble truths
21. The four stages and the ten fetters
No authority
22. The Buddha's address to the Kalamas
23. The test of true teaching
Causality, Karma and rebirth
24-30. Causality
31. The doctrine of rebirth
32. What is reborn
The Self and the not-self
33. The doctrine of no-self
34. The self is empty
25. The person as a chariot
36. When the fire goes out
37. Self dies with ignorance
Three parables
38. The blind man and the elephant
39. Kisagotami and the mustard seed
40. The parable of the raft
The Buddhist life
41. The purpose of the Buddhist life
42. Good works
43. Good moral habits
44. In this six-foot body
45. Getting rid
46. The greatest blessing
47. Progress is gradual
48, 49. The four sublime states of mind
50. Boundless goodwill
51, 52. Fellowship with beauty
53-55. The Arhat ideal
56. The Buddha's last words. ch. 3. Two further sutras of the old wisdom schools
57. From the Sutra of 42 sections
58. From 'The light of Asia'
The new wisdom schools
ch. 4. The new wisdom schools : India
From the scriptures
59. What is the Maha-yana?
From the Perfection of wisdom
60. Duality and non-duality
61. The heart sutra
62. From the Diamond sutra
From the lotus sutra
63. The Buddha and the rain-cloud
64. Provisional and final nirvana
65. From the Exposition of Vimalakirti
66. The one principle of life
From the Lankavatara sutra
67. Neither permanence nor impermanence
68. No world outside the mind
69. The two-fold egolessness
70. From the Treatise in twenty stanzas by Vasubandhu
From the Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana
71. The practice of faith
From the Surangama sutra
72. The eye, the mind and the essence of mind
73. The control of sexual desire
From the Path of light
74. The master of the banquet
75. Self-surrender
76. Remembrance
77. Anger unpremeditated
78. Regard for others
79. The perfect knowledge
Some Mahayana themes
The void
80. In praise of the void
81. The defilements stopped by emptiness
82. The Buddha-nature and the void
83. Suchness
84. The suchness of form
85. The truly so
The Zen unconscious, suchness and the middle way
87. The store consciousness
The Bodhisattva ideal
88. The Bodhisattva's vow
89-92. The Bodhisattva's nature
93, 94. The Bodhisattva's training
95, 96. The Bodhisattva's compassion
87. The Bodhisattva's transfer of merit
98. He does not seek deliverance
99-100. The Bodhisattva's skilful means
The six perfections
101. The six perfections
102-103. The perfection of giving. ch. 5. The new wisdom schools : china and Japan
The Tendai School
104. On the practice of meditation for beginners
The Kegon School
105. True enlightenment
106. Jijimuge
The Pure Land School
107. Concerning faith
108. Honen on salvation
109. The pure land
11. Mind-only
Records of Zen masters
111. On trust in the heart
112. From the platform sutra of Hui-neng
The Zen teaching of Huang Po
113. I. From the Chün Chou record
114. II. From the Wan Ling record
115. Gradual and sudden awakening
116. From the Shodoka of Yoka Daishi
117. From the path to
ISBN0391034642; 9780391034648; 0700701974; 9780700701971

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