
Mandala Visualization=曼荼羅觀想
作者 立川武蔵 (著)=Tachikawa, Musashi (au.) ; 曹德啟 (譯)=Tsao, Te-chi (tr.)
出處題名 輔仁宗教研究=Fujen Religious Studies
頁次1 - 44
出版者網址 http://www.rsd.fju.edu.tw/
出版地臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項The author is the professor of National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan. 翻譯者為中央研究院史語所研究助理
關鍵詞藏傳佛教=西藏佛教=Tibetan Buddhism; 觀想=Visualization; 修行方法=修行法門=Practice; 曼荼羅=Mandala; 曼陀羅=壇城=Mandala; 附身=possession; 身心=psycho-physiological; 瑜珈=yoga; 密宗=密教=坦特羅佛教=真言教=金剛乘=Esoteric Buddhism=Tantric Buddhism=Vajrayana Buddhism
摘要曼荼羅觀想裡所發現的身心改變,廣泛地被使用在密教儀禮和實踐之中。密教徒經常使用曼荼羅以給予門徒入門儀式(灌頂abhiseka)。 平信徒則對曼荼羅或描繪於其中的諸尊進行供養(puja)。有時候,當密教徒或瑜伽士進行觀想本尊(成就法sadhana)的修行時,曼荼羅被用來當作一種冥想的工具。於此情況下,冥想或觀想曼荼羅便具有救贖論的目的:觀想的修行者,即成就者(sadhka),試圖藉由此種宗教實踐獲得問悟。

Psycho-physiological changes found in mandala visualization are used variously in Tantric rituals and practices. Tantrists often employ a mandala in order to give the initiation rite (abhiseka) to their disciples. Lay followers make worship services (puja) to a mandala or the deities depicted in the mandala. Sometimes mandalas are used as a kind of tool for meditation when Tantrists or yogins perform the practice of deity-visualization (sadhana). In such cases, the mandala meditation or visualization may have a soteriological purpose: the practitioners of visualization, i.e., sadhaka, try to obtain enlightenment through this kind of religious practice.
The Tantric practice of mandala visualization is to be basically carried out through the power of a particular kind of yoga. When a practitioner or Tantrist practices visualization, he intensifies his psychic energy. It is through the strengthened and sharpened psychic energy that the practitioner can succeed in visualizing the form of a deity in front of him as if the deity were real and alive. Mandala visualization is not done in a moment; it is a religious practice which one should perform, following a series of rigid steps over a certain span of time. Usually, the accomplishment of mandala visualization requires a number of years. It is well-known that yogins should undergo a number of psycho-physiological changes for, at least, several years, before they can reach a certain stage of the system of classical yoga. In a similar way, it has been said that various kinds of states accompanied by psycho-physiological changes must be observed until a practitioner succeeds in performing the visualization of a mandala. What kind of psycho-physiological changes, however, are found in the mind and body of the practitioner who has just succeeded in visualizing the form of a deity? One should remember that the so-called psycho-physiological changes, if any, are not to be confused with the symptom of obtaining final enlightenment. As mentioned before, mandala visualization may aim at the soteriological purpose of obtaining Final enlightenment. But, at this point, we are rather concerned with preliminary stages of religious practice called "mandala visualization," not with the state of the mind and body of the one who has obtained final spiritual beatitude.
Insofar as one of the most important functions of the mandala is to furnish a tool for the practice of visualizing deities, we should not neglect the question what kind of state occurs in the mind and body of the Tantrist trying to see the form of a deity in front of him. Hitherto the psycho-physiological aspect of the process of mandala visualization has not been well studied. The function of the mandala would be also clearer, if we could succeed in analyzing the process of visualization from the psycho-physiological viewpoint.
ISSN16820568 (P); 16820568 (E)

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