● Section One: Intersection 1. The Plant Medicine Sutra 2. Mysticism: Contemplative and Chemical 3. A High History of Buddhism in America 4. Psychedelic Experience And Spiritual Practice: A Buddhist Perspective--An Intervies With Jack Kornfield 5. Dissolving The Roots of Suffering 6. Buddhism, Shamanism and Thangka Paintings 7. A Buddhist- Psychedelic History of Esalen Institute: An Interview With Founder Michael Murphy And President Geogre Leonard 8. Shadow Paths 9. A Survey of The Entheogens ● Section Two: Concresense ? 1. Vajarvision 2. Dmt Dharm 3. Psychoactivism 4. Learning Into Rawness 5. Relative Truth 6. Yage and The Yanas 7. A Trip Not Taken 8. The Paisley Gate ● Section Three: Lessons 1. Psychodelics on The Path: Help or Hindrance? 2. Liberty and LSD 3. The Zen Commandments 4. Buddhism and The Psychodelic Society: An Interview With Terence Mckenna 5. OnThe Front Lines: An Interview With Michele Mcdonald-Smith 6. Do We Still Need Psycholetics? 7. A Roundtable With Ram Dass, Robert Aitken Roshi, Richard Baker Roshi, and Joan Halifax Roshi