Religious life -- Buddhism; dukkha=suffering; 禪修=Meditation; 佛教心理學=Buddhist psychology; 藏傳佛教=西藏佛教=Tibetan Buddhism
How can we go on living "when things fall apart" – when we are overcome by pain, fear, and anxiety? Pema Chodron’s answer to that question contains some spectacularly good news: there is a fundamental happiness readily available to each one of us, no matter how difficult things seem to be. To find it, according to traditional Buddhist teaching, we must learn to stop running from suffering and instead actually learn to approach it – fearlessly, compassionately, and with curiosity. This radical practice enables us to use all situations, even very painful ones, as means for discovering the truth and love that are utterly indestructible.
1. Intimacy with Fear 1 2. When Things Fall Apart 6 3. This Very Moment Is the Perfect Teacher 12 4. Relax As It Is 18 5. It's Never Too Late 25 6. Not Causing Harm 32 7. Hopelessness and Death 38 8. Eight Worldly Dharmas 46 9. Six Kinds of Loneliness 53 10. Curious about Existence 60 11. Nonaggression and the Four Maras 65 12. Growing Up 73 13. Widening the Circle of Compassion 78 14. The Love That Will Not Die 86 15. Going against the Grain 93 16. Servants of peace 98 17. Opinions 109 18. Secret Oral Instructions 114 19. Three Methods for Working with Chaos 120 20. The Trick of Choicelessness 127 21. Reversing the Wheel of Samsara 137 22. The Path Is the Goal 143