An Uighur MS brought back by A. Stein from Tun-huang, Or. 8212-75A in the British Museum, consists of two booklets, one of which is known to be a commentary on Abhidharmakośa, while the other has been thought also to belong to the same commentary by T. Haneda and to be an independent jātaka Ş. Tekin. A closer scrutiny, however, reveals the latter to be neither an Abhidharmakośa commentary nor a jātaka, but a collection of three avadānas to be preached after a recitation of Avalokiteśvara Sūtra (Kuan yin ching), a chapter from Saddharmapuṇḍrīka, an identification corroborated by the inscription, ‘観音経 sudurnung 相応是’ at the end of XVa. In their contents, the three avadānas are closer to vyākaraṇa rather than to jātaka, and the last one clearly states that the text was preached to the people of Qoću Uluś headed by Ilći Yalavać Taruxan Baśxaġan. The avadānas, whose textual characteristics show them to be a Yüan copy, abound in alliterated verses, reminiscent of Old Turkic poetry.