When grappling with problems such as violence,racism,consumerism,and the exploitation of our environment,it is evident the world needs engaged Buddhism. "Engaged Buddhism," Kraft writes in the Introduction of his book,"is an international movement whose participants seek to apply the Buddhist ideals of wisdom and compassion to present-day social,political,and environmental issues" (p. 9). Kraft's book is a meditation,really,on the Tibetan Wheel of Life,addressing questions including:How does one heal the world (p. 9)? Is it possible to experience clarity and calm amid the commotion of everyday activities (p. 29)? What does it mean to enter deeply into the present (p. 36)? How does one earn a living honorably in a materialistic,acquisitive soceity (p. 45)? Is it possible to live justly in an unjust world (p. 56)? How much is enough (p. 60)?
Throughout his book,Kraft briefly recognizes the contributions of engaged Buddhists including John Seed,Joanna Macy,Thich Nhat Hanh, Robert Aitken,Stephanie Kaza, Gary Snyder,Alan Senauke,and Bernie Glassman,among others. Although he provides a good,thought-provoking introduction to Buddhist engagement in this book,for something more I recommend Kraft's more recent book,DHARMA RAIN (2000). Co-edited with Stephanie Kaza, and Queen's ENGAGED BUDDHISM IN THE WEST (2000).