
Being Upright: Zen Meditation and the Bodhisattva Precepts
作者 Anderson, Reb
出版日期2002.03.01 (paperback); 2001.01.01 (hardcover)
頁次288; 256
出版者Rodmell Press
出版地Berkeley, CA, US [伯克利, 加利福尼亞州, 美國]
附註項Available Through:Alibris; Baker & Taylor Books; Bookpeople; NACSCORP, Incorporated
關鍵詞禪宗=Zen Buddhism=Zazen Buddhism; Bodhisattvas;Vows;
摘要What are the fundamental ideas of Zen Buddhist practice? What is their ultimate meaning? Reb Anderson Roshi, one of Buddhism's foremost spiritual teachers, asks penetrating questions about the foundations of Buddhist ethics:
What was Shakyamuni Buddha's central teaching?
What does it mean to take the bodhisattva vow?
Why should we confess and acknowledge our ancient twisted karma?
What is the significance of taking refuge in Buddha, dharma and sangha? Exploring the ten basic precepts-not killing, not stealing, not lying, not misusing sexuality, not using intoxicants, etc.-Anderson Roshi takes us to the heart of each ethical dilemma, where moral judgments are not easy and answers are unclear. Using anecdotal material from modern songs, Shakespeare, fairy tales, ancient Zen parables and his own experiences, he teaches the reader how to confront emotional and ethical turmoil with wisdom and compassion.

1. Receiving the Precepts: The Bodhisattva Initiation Ceremony
2. Entering Buddha's Way: Dependent Co-arising
3. Paying Homage: The Bodhisattva Vow
4. Renunciation: Letting Go of Attachments
5. Confession: All My Ancient Twisted Karma
6. The Sixteen Great Badhisattva Precepts: The Teaching of the Two Truths
7. The Three Refuges: The Body of Buddha's Mind
8. The Three Pure Precepts: The Shape of Buddha's Mind
9. The Abode and the Source: Embrace and Sustain Forms and Ceremonies
10. Practicing and Being Practiced: Embrace and Sustain All Good
11. Taking Self and Others Across: Embrace and Sustain All Beings
12. The Ten Grave Precepts: The Activity of Buddha's Mind
13. Let the Buddha Seed Grow: Not Killing
14. The Suchness of Mind and Objects: Not Stealing
15. Nothing Is Wished For: Not Misusig Sexuality
16. The Dharma Wheel Has: All-Inclusievly Turned: Not Lying
17. Everything Is Inviolable: No Intaxicants
18. The Same Path: Not Speaking of Other's Faults
19. Not An Inch of Ground: Not Praisign Self at the Expense of Others
20. One hundred Grasses: Not Being Possessiev
21. Oceans of Magnificent Clouds: Not Being Angry
22. Virtue Returns to the Ocean: Not Disparaging the Triple Treasure
23. Blood Vein: Face-to-Face Transmission
ISBN0962713899 (hc); 1930485018 (pbk)
建檔日期2000.11.22; 2003.12.31

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