Humanistic Buddhism; Hsing Yun; Fo Guang Shan; The Teachings of the Buddha; Life of the Buddha; Tai Xu (1889-1947); Kimball, Richard L.
The intention of this paper is to show how Humanistic Buddhism developed over 2500 years ago and has "re-become" in today's world due in part to the determined and steadfast efforts of Grand Master Hsing Yun of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order which has its main temple in southern Taiwan. From its beginnings in northern India by Sakyamuni Gautama to its current renaissance, Buddhism has gone through many transformations and developments. Grand Master Hsing Yun has attempted to capture the original essence of the Buddha's teachings, especially those related to applications in today's world, as well as to developing new interpretations appropriate to current needs. He has built his beliefs as well as actions not only on the original teachings of the Buddha but also on the experiences and insights of previous masters such as the 6th Patriarch of Ch'an, Ven. Hui Neng, and Ven. Tai Xu. The Buddha taught ways for transcending earthly suffering as well as how to deal with day-to-day issues in this lifetime. He advocated equality of every human, the interconnectedness of all sentient beings, the sanctity of life and created principles related to developing positive living. In building upon these humanistic ideals, the Grand Master promotes integrating the Buddha's teachings of kindness, compassion, joyfulness and equanimity into daily life for the benefit of both self and others. He has created a world-wide network of temples and chapters which work to bring Buddhism to every corner of this planet. It is his hope that through this process a Pure Land can be developed here so that all sentient beings can positively live their lives in order to move on to the higher levels of existence such as Bodhisattvahood, Buddhahood and Nirvana. This paper shows how the Grand Master emerged out of the chaos of 1940s China to create the system of Fo Guang Shan which is substantially influencing many cultures through his writings, teachings and social actions. Finally, the future of Humanistic Buddhism is explored through studying the current structure of Fo Guang Shan and obtaining viewpoints from many members within it including the Grand Master himself. 本文旨在介紹人間佛教在過去二千五百年的發展情形,以及由於星雲大師的堅持不懈的努力,人間佛教今日所重新展現的面目,他領導的佛光山運動其主要道場位於台灣南部。從釋迦牟尼佛於北印度開始,到今天佛教中興的局面,佛教已歷經多次的轉型與發展,星雲大師希望能保留原始佛法的精髓,特別是那些能實用於今日社會的教義,同時也希望能對其做一番新的詮釋,以適應今日潮流的需要,他不僅將其虔信與實踐立基於原始佛法教義上,同時也融合歷代大師之經歷與智慧,例如:六祖慧能大師,太虛大師等。 佛陀不僅教導我們如何超越娑婆世界的苦惱,同時也引領我們如何處理日常生活的事宜。他提倡人類之平等性、眾生之間的相互關係、生命的莊嚴。他提出了正面續極的生活規範。在這些符合人道的理想基礎上,星雲大師倡導將佛陀慈、悲、喜、捨四無量心的理念融入我們的日常生活中,以利己利人。星雲大師於世界各地廣設廟宇與佛學中心,將佛法散播到世界的各個角落,正是大師懷著建立一個人間淨土的宏願,讓眾生能積極面對生活,進而朝向菩薩,佛與究竟涅槃等更高品位邁進。 本文說明星雲大師如何能在40年代處於一片混亂的中國環境下脫穎而出,而開創佛光山體系,以其著作、開示及社會活動實實在在地形響了多元文化社會。作者的結論是,通過對佛光山成員包括星雲大師采訪,以進一步探索人間佛教的未來前途。
ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Focus of this Paper A BRIEF BACKGROUND OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMANISTIC BUDDHISM 2 Significant Events in the Grand Master's Life Relevant to His "Becoming" -- Conditions at the Beginning Early Years in Mainland China Adult Years in Mainland China Moving to Taiwan The Development of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order Grand Master Hsing Yun's Style and Personality The Connection of Today's Humanistic Buddhism to the Original Teachings of the Buddha -- Some Background History Life of the Buddha The Renaissance of "Humanistic" Buddhism Master Tai Xu's Lasting Influence RE-BECOMING:THE PRINCIPAL TEACHINGS OF GRAND MASTER HSING YUN'S HUMANISTIC BUDDHISM 12 What is Humanistic Buddhism? Is Buddhism a Religion? Overall Focus of Humanistic Buddhism as Interpreted by Grand Master Hsing Yun Main Points of Humanistic Buddhism as Interpreted by Grand Master Hsing Yun 14 A General Overview Key Tenets Humanistic Buddhism's Principles and Precepts for Living A Comprehensive Summary of the Principles and Precepts Wholeness and Freeness -- Life's Goal Humanistic Buddhist Teachings Related to Ch'an Practice How can Humanistic Buddhism be Used to Deal with Daily Life and Beyond -- Personal Practice 28 Introduction How to Develop a Personal Practice The Goals of a Personal Practice Key Qualities of Behavior Related to Personal Practice 37 Social Responsibilities Related to Personal Practice A Summary of the Grand Master's Contributions to Buddhist Beliefs 45 REFERENCES AND NOTES 48