
The Cultivation of Ear Organ--A Method to Ultimate Truth Demonstrated by Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara in Surangama Sutra=論楞嚴經聞性法門證圓通與心性教育
作者 Ma, Sun (著)=馬遜 (au.)
出處題名 International Conference on Buddhist Education(9th)=國際佛教教育研討會(第9屆)
頁次57 - 58
出版者Institute for Sino-Indian Buddhist Studies=華梵佛學研究所
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料類型會議論文=Proceeding Article
附註項Chinese and English Abstracts=中英文提要; 中文論文提要:頁55-56
關鍵詞馬遜; Ma, Sun
摘要The reason why Buddha was born on the earth is to show the way the reach the ultimate truth. The world Honored One was born as a human being,not the superior God who created the universe. He realised that every living being has itself the Tathagata's Buddha nature. He taught us there is no difference between the Mind,the Buddha and the living being. He demonstrated different methods for different people,in order to attain the ultimate wisdom that everyone is supposed to bear before birth. However,this wisdom was obscured by Avidya, and the human beings are not aware of its existence. However,if the goal of being a Man is achieved as well. Therefore,being a Buddhist,one should not only believe in what the Buddha taught,but also practise the Buddha dharma, and set the ultimate goal to be a Buddha in the future time.

However,it is not easy to cultivate the mind and reach Buddhahood,even though one tried hard to learn and imitate the Buddha for thousands or hundreds years. Why? The true Buddha nature can only be restored through cultivating with an appropriate method. Since every person is different in nature,some are suitable for practising Ch'an (禪) and others Ch'in (淨) etc.

"Although there are different ways, however,there is only one ultimate truth." If find a way,we must stick to in and cultivate our mind with all our efforts. After a long period,there will be some results.

Surangame Sutra was translated by Bhiksu (般刺密帝) in Tang Dynasty. Since the translated Chinese version was so beautifully written that Leung Che Chow (梁啟超) even doubted that the Sutra could be a fake. However,the same Sutra was found in the Tripitaka and the Surangama Mantra existed also in Tibet Buddhism. The text was reviewed by Fang Ron (房融),who was an officer at the service of the Queen. All officers were learned scholars in ancient days, that is why the language was so wonderful. Chow Teng Ye (周敦頤) even said,"after the Surangama Sutra, I decided not to read other rubbish books again".

Although Ananda heard and remember everything Buddha taught,yet he was not enlightened. In this Sutra, Buddha asked twenty-five Buddhisattvas and Arhats to describe their personal experience to Ananda and the other monks. Twenty-five valuable methods were explicitly demonstrated to the audience. These include ways of cultivating through six Organs of Senses, six Objects of Senses, six Consciousnesses and the Cultivation with the Ear Organ,which was essentially invented by the Buddhisattva Avalokitesvara. The purpose of this paper to show the methodology and the application of these methods, and to study why the method of hearing the self-nature through
Ear Organ is superior than the rest twenty-four methods.

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