現代佛學研究在西方與日本已持續了一百多年, 最近大陸也急起直追, 貢獻不少心力。反觀台灣, 雖擁有為數可觀的研究人員,卻缺乏整合, 實甚可惜。台灣大學佛學研究中心的設立, 主要是在彌補這個缺口, 提倡跨學科的整合型研究, 並提供國際性的佛學研究資訊。「佛學網路資料庫」於焉成立。自1995年春天創立, 在將近三年的篳路藍縷, 辛苦經營下, 已收集中文、英文、日文及歐文等各國語文佛學資料, 計八萬餘筆條目及期刊論文全文文章近七百篇, 並計畫於近日內增建近百本佛學全文書籍, 是以「本資料庫」堪稱為世界上資料量最豐的佛學資料庫。 Modern Buddhist studies has enjoyed a research history of more than a hundred years in Western and Japanese universities. Recently, Mainland China has also added valuable contributions to the field. In Taiwan, on the other hand, a considerable number of scholars are devoted to Buddhist-related studies, yet they lack collaboration and coalescence. The Center for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University seeks to fill this need by promoting integrative and interdisciplinary research, and providing the means for efficient international academic exchange of information. Therefore, since the spring of 1995 the "CBS Buddhist Internet Database" project has been progressed. The aim of this project is to serve the international Buddhist community and compile a continuously updated and accurate Buddhist bibliographic and informational database.