This work,entitled "Biography of the Eminent Monk Fa-hsien," is a record by Fa-hsien himself of his travels in India, and is also known as the Hok-ken-den,Buk-koku-ki (Ch.:Fo-kuo-chi; "Record of Buddhist Kingdoms") and Reki-yu-ten-jiku-ki-den (Ch.:Li-yu-t'ien-chu-chi-ch'uan; "Account of Travels in India").
Fa-hsien set out on his journey in search of the Dharma in A.D. 399,and passing through Central Asia via the Southern Route,reached Northwest India, from where he moved on to Central India, visiting temples and shrines on the way. He then made pilgrimages to various sites associated with Sakyamuni,studied Buddhist scriptures and the monastic code,and made copies of numerous texts. From India he crossed over to Ceylon and then returned to China by sea, arriving in 412. This work is an account of his observations and experiences during this journey. It is a valuable source of information on Buddhism and Buddhist culture in India and Central Asia at the start of the fifth century,and is the oldest extant account by a Buddhist monk of his travels in India.