大足石篆山石門山妙高山宋代石窟與文氏鐫匠世家的關係研究=The Song Dynasty Stone Grottos in Mt. Shizhuan, Mt. Shimen, and Mt. Maogao of Dazu in Relationship to Several Generations of Engravers of the Wen Clan
This paper is divided into three parts. 1. The stone grottos remains in Mt. Shizhuan,Mt. Shimen,and Mt. Maogao of Dazu all have mixed statutes of Buddhism,Taoism,and Confucianism. The statutes were created continuously from 1082 to the period between 1131 and 1162. Among them were inscriptions on statutes by several generations of Engravers of the Wen Clan from pu-zhou (nowdays An-yueh County) of Song Dynasty. 2. The typical differences of the Buddha statues of the three places from those of previous Chinese stone grottos:some have topknots on crown and some not; spiral hairs extend to both chins and the middle and low parts of ears; the statutes dress in Chinese style robe. The bodhisattva statues have excellent mixture of blocks and lines on body; they wear heavy crown,various jewels, slim,and tender skin of female; their dresses are painted with iron line in black or color. These Song Dynasty's statues added new period of "self style" to the Chinese stone grottos art. 3. After a survey of the statues inscriptions of Song Dynasty's stone grottos in Dazu (An-yueh, Tze-chung),the author found that the Engravers of the Wen Clan lasted for seven generations in about two centuries. The statues with their inscriptions are the "model objects" in the research of the anonymous statues in Dazu and sourrounding stone grottos remains.