
釋尊的禪修過程=Shakyamuni's Process of Meditative Practice
作者 林崇安 (著)=Lin, Chung-an (au.)
出處題名 第四屆中華國際佛學會議 -- 「佛教與廿一世紀」=The Fourth Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism: The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century
出版者中華佛學研究所=The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies
出版地臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型會議論文=Proceeding Article
附註項第四屆中華國際佛學會議 -- 「佛教與廿一世紀」, 法鼓山中華佛學研究所主辦, 2002年1月18-20日, 中央研究院學術活動中心. The Fourth Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism:The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century, Organized by Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, DDMBA; January 18-20, 2002, Auditorium of Acemic Activity Center, Acemia Sinica.
關鍵詞佛教與廿一世紀=Buddhism in 21st Century; 正念正知; 釋尊; 禪修; 苦行; 三喻; 正定; 中道; 三明
摘要一. 生平略記
釋尊約生於西元前五六五年,是當時北印度迦毗羅城淨飯王的兒子,名為悉達多. 十九歲娶妻耶輸陀羅. 二十九歲生子羅怙羅,同年出家,尋找滅苦之道. 三十五歲成佛 (約西元前五三一年). 八十歲時入滅.

二. 尋找涅槃 (苦的滅除)
方式 (一):追逐世間欲樂
1. 追逐感官的今生享受.
2. 以苦行追求來生的享受.

方式 (二):深入禪定,追求平靜

方式 (三):極端苦行

方式 (四):中道之行

三. 證悟的過程
(一) 日落前降魔 (象徵著壓伏自己內心的貪愛與瞋恚).
(二) 初夜進入四禪證得宿命通 (又稱宿住明),看清生命的延續不斷.
(三) 中夜得天眼通 (又稱死生明),看清善惡因果的業力原理.
(四) 後夜證得漏盡通 (又稱漏盡明),觀察十二緣起,遍知四聖諦,看清身心的實相,故完全滅苦而成佛(覺悟者).

四. 開示禪修的次第培養正念正知,守護六根,得到四禪之正定,生起三明及智慧,得俱解脫. 培養正念正知,守護六根,得到未至定之正定,生起智慧,得慧解脫.

五. 結語
1. Biography
Shakyamuni was born in 565 B.C.E.,the son of a Northern Indian King,with the given name of Siddhartha. He was married at 19,became a father at 29,and left home the same year in search of the path to the end of suffering. He attained Buddhahood at the age of 35,around 531 B.C.E.,and died at the age of 80.

2. The search for Nirvana (the end of suffering)
Method 1:The purist of worldly pleasure.
a. The pursuit of sensory pleasure in this life.
b. The pursuit of happiness in a future life by means of ascetic practice.
Result:Like adding fuel to a fire,this method is incapable of putting an end to suffering.

Method 2:The pursuit of peace through deep meditative concentration
Result:Suppression of desire leading only to attachment to the pleasure of meditation itself. The mind remains in this way unrelaxed,so this method too is incapable of putting an end to suffering.

Method 3:Extreme asceticism
Result:torturing the body,the mind remains unrelaxed,so this method too is incapable of putting an end to suffering.
Realization:Three unprecedented metaphors.

Method 4:The Middle Way
Result:Falling into neither the extreme of asceticism nor the extreme of self-indulgence,the mind and body are relaxed and dwell in the Middle Way,cultivating the awareness, so that one can view clearly and wisely the source of suffering in one's own mind,thereby bringing an end to suffering.

3. The process of Realization
(1). Subjugation of demons before sunset (symbolizing the conquering of one's own inner greed and hostility)
(2). Entering into the Four Dyanas and coming to know past lives in the beginning of the night,seeing clearly the ceaselessness of life.
(3). Attaining the deva-eye in the middle of the night,seeing clearly the principle of karmic causality pertaining to good and evil actions.
(4). At the end of the night,realizing the comprehension that puts an end to all outflows, examining the Twelve Links of Conditioned Co-arising,knowing comprehensively the Four Noble Truths, the ultimate reality of the body and mind,and thus completely putting an end to suffering and becoming a Buddha (i.e.,and Awakened One).

4. Teaching of the Sequence of Meditative Practice
Cultivation of mindfulness, guarding the six sense organs, attaining the Right Samadhi of the Four Dyanas, giving rise to the Three Illuminations and wisdom leading to liberation.

If today we wish to put an end to suffering,we should follow the method of meditative concentration taught by the Shakyamuni,applying Right Mindfulness to our actual daily lives, so that our lives and our meditation become one,living in the present moment. Only then can we calmly face the vicissitudes of human life.
目次一. 前言
二. 尋找涅槃 (苦的滅除)
方式 (一):追逐世間欲樂
1. 追逐感官的今生享受
2. 以苦行追求來生的享受
方式 (二):深入禪定,追求平靜
方式 (三):極端苦行
方式 (四):中道之行
三. 證悟的過程
(一) 日落前降魔
(二) 證得宿命通
(三) 證得天眼通
(四) 證得宿命通證得漏盡通
四. 開示禪修的次第
(一) 培養正念正知,守護六根,得到四禪,生起三明及智慧,得俱解脫
(二) 培養正念正知,守護六根,得到未至定之正定,生起智慧,得慧解脫
五. 結語


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