
Buddhist Studies and its Impact on Buddhism in Western Societies:Historical Sketch and Prospects=佛學及其在西方社會對佛教的影響:歷史梗概與遠景
作者 Deeg, Max
出處題名 The Fourth Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism: The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century=第四屆中華國際佛學會議 -- 「佛教與廿一世紀」
出版者中華佛學研究所=The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies
出版地臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型會議論文=Proceeding Article
附註項The Fourth Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism:The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century, Organized by Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, DDMBA; January 18-20, 2002, Auditorium of Acemic Activity Center, Acemia Sinica. 第四屆中華國際佛學會議 -- 「佛教與廿一世紀」, 法鼓山中華佛學研究所主辦, 2002年1月18-20日, 中央研究院學術活動中心.
關鍵詞Buddhism in 21st Century; 佛教與廿一世紀
摘要The eyes of Eastern Buddhists are for several reasons -- one of the outstanding being the presence of a huge number of Asian emigrants -- quite naturally directed to the East:to what is going on in America. American scholars of Buddhism -- at least in the last generations -- are very often at the same time practicing Buddhists or at least heavily sympathetic with the religion and researchers, while the European scenery appears to be somewhat different. For Europe or for the country the author comes from,Germany,the interplay between Buddhism as an object of research from the end of the 19th century,mainly based on the study of the Pali-canon,and Buddhism as a practiced religion and "Lebensentwurf" (conception of life),also starting around the same time,there are not too many studies available,and the two mainstreams of the reception of Buddhism in the West,research and religion in practice,have to be read together in the European context. The paper will give a short historical overview on the developments in Buddhist studies in Europe,especially in the German-speaking part of Europe,and the rise and growth of Buddhist communities with their main periods in the German "Kaiserreich" (Empire) and the "Weimarer Republik" (Republic of Weimar),the period of prosecution of practiced religion during the Nazi-period,and the two main waves of development after World War II,the Zen-reception,which was mainly influenced and dominated from America, and the advent of Tibetan Buddhism,which shows some features being described as a European model differing from America. The difference between periods lies, in the author's opinion,in the fact that the first was instigated by Buddhist studies in the academic field and met with general social factors, while the last period has its outcome from the special social fact of society moving towards different,individual lifestyles and here the turn to Buddhism as an object of academic studies very often follows this first impetus of interest and practiced Buddhism. At the end of the paper the author will try to give a short prospective for the future,showing that the way,in which Buddhism,in terms of its own religious and social goals, could be successfully and effectively integrated in European societies, respectively in German society,will have to be paved between the traditional patterns of a European / German culture(s) towards religion in general and the traditional ways of Buddhism practiced in its Asian cultural contexts.

東方佛教徒很自然的關注西方,也就是美國的進展,這背後有一些理由,其中最顯著的是為數眾多的亞洲移民. 美國的近代佛教學者多數是佛教徒,或至少對佛教懷有深厚的宗教情操,但在歐洲的情形似乎不然. 對歐洲或是筆者所居住的德國,佛教自十九世紀末以來,主根據巴利經典的研究,成研究的主題; 在同一時期也開始將佛教視為實踐宗教和生活概念 (Lebensentwurf). 西方對佛教的研究和宗教實踐並沒太多的研究,須透過歐洲的背景來理解. 本文將簡單介紹佛教研究在歐洲的歷史發展情形,特別是在歐洲的德語系國家:佛教團體在德國帝治時期和威瑪的共和國的興起與發展; 納粹時期的打壓; 及第二次世界大戰後的兩個主發展浪潮:一是受到美國影響與支配的禪宗接納,一是西藏佛教的出現,並表現出屬於歐洲典範而異於美國的特質. 這些時期的差異,依作者的看法,在一開始受到佛教的學術研究鼓吹與一些社會因素的配合,到了最後,隨社會發展出不同的個人生活方式而有所演變 -- 此處,延續著對佛教的熱忱與動力,而有將佛教視為學術研究對象的轉變. 在本文最後,作者嘗試提出對佛教未來的展望,特別就宗教和社會目標,期許在歐洲社會成功並且有效的整合,特別是在德國社會,鋪陳出歐洲 / 德國文化對宗教的傳統模式及佛教在亞洲文化脈絡的傳統方法.

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