The Tibetan Iconography of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and other Deities:A Unique Pantheon |
作者 |
Bunce, Fredrick W.
Chandra, Lokesh
出版日期 | 2002 |
頁次 | 784 |
出版者 | D. K. Printworld |
出版地 | New Delhi, India [新德里, 印度] |
資料類型 | 書籍=Book |
使用語言 | 英文=English |
附註項 | Series:Emerging perceptions in Buddhist studies, No. 14. |
關鍵詞 | 上師=Guru; 大黑天=Mahakala; 文殊菩薩=文殊師利菩薩=Manjusri; 阿羅漢=Arhat; 度母=Tara; 般若波羅密多=般若=Prajnaparamita=Prajna=Perfection of Wisdom; 菩薩=Bodhisattva; 圖像學=Iconography |
目次 | Introduction 1. Teachers (Guru):Prajna teachers 2. Teachers (Guru):Guhya teachers 3. Teachers (Guru):Bodhimarga Lamrim teachers 4. Buddhas:Mahaguhya Buddhas 5. Buddhas:various Guhya Buddhas 6. Buddhas:five Buddhas 7. Buddhas:thirty five Buddhas (of confession) 8. Buddhas:ten Buddhas (of the directions) 9. Buddhas:six Buddhas (of the past) 10. Buddhas:seven Buddhas of medicine 11. Buddhas:various Buddhas 12. Bodhisattvas:manifestations of Manjusri Bodhisattva 13. Bodhisattvas:manifestations of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva 14. Bodhisattvas:(sixteen) Bodhisattvas of Vairocana Buddha 15. Bodhisattvas:various Bodhisattvas 16. Goddesses (Matrka):Pancaraksa 17. Goddesses (Matrka):twenty two Taras 18. Goddesses (Matrka):various Goddess 19. Arhats (Lohan):eighteen Arhats 20. Arhats (Lohan):various Arhats 21. Protective deities:Mahakala (21 manifestations) 22. Protective deities:Vaisravana 23. Protective deities:various Dharmapalas |
ISBN | 812460178X |
點閱次數 | 622 |
建檔日期 | 2002.02.26

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