
梁《高僧傳》「論贊」之研究 -- 以歷史性與文學性的相關考察為主軸
作者 釋道修
出版者圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist Institute
出版者網址 http://www.ykbi.edu.tw/
出版地中壢市, 臺灣 [Chungli shih, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞高僧傳; 論贊; 慧皎, 497-554; 歷史性; 客觀性; 文類; 風格; Kosoden; Hagiography; Lun Htsan; Huijiao, 497-554; Hui-chiao, 497-554; Historic; Objectivity; Literary Study; Genre
摘要佛學研究中所包含的經典義理及實踐現象兩種面向,具體而微地表現在僧傳中. 梁《高僧傳》是現存最早完整的「高僧」類傳匯集,慧皎依「德」,「業」將入傳的高僧傳分十科,並於每篇後附「論贊」以闡明該篇宗旨,這樣的體例一直為後來各代的「高僧傳」所沿用. 「論贊」是僧傳撰寫者心力投入最深處,也是直接與讀者對話的窗口,因此關於這方面的研究,對佛教僧人傳記的整體研究而言,應是最基礎的重要工作.
「論贊」是傳記的一部分,但有時又被視為獨立的作品,若以一般傳記所面臨的「歷史性」與「文學性」之雙重要求的相關議題作為考察的對象,則更能凸顯出「論贊」在《高僧傳》中之作用及其本身之特質. 本論文擬依上述之問題意識,分為以下五章探討:
在第二章探討「論贊」之形成,由歷史脈絡考察下手,首先說明僧傳「論贊」的定位,再則鋪陳出其形成脈絡及其基本架構與內涵,並釐清其於傳統史論「論贊」所承襲與別創處. 本章側重在背景介紹,以作為下一章理解的基礎.
第三章則處理有關「論贊」歷史性考察的主部分 -- 「客觀性」,先從形式上,探討十科分述與論贊分置的沿革與傳承; 繼而在內容方面,將「論」與「傳」之解釋與論據互動關係作說明,並檢討與評估論贊中建構的理論. 進一步關懷其理論架構提供吾人在實踐方面的啟示與參考.
第四章旨延續上述議題,進而在考察「論贊」在文學性方面的表現,分別探討其「文類」與「風格」兩部分. 首先說明僧傳因論贊的考量而使文類歸屬的探究得以趨向完善,為「佛教傳記」的文類獨立,提供較寬廣的視野. 若佛教傳記成專門學習的知識,論贊在僧傳中的意義就更顯得重要; 第二部分,藉論贊風格的理解,賞析作者的才華文氣. 並嘗試透過文本風格,探討作者的思想與觀點.
本論文每章後都有小結,最後在結論中,仍就僧傳論贊研討之困境,說明限制所在,及日後進一步研究及加強處. 經本論文研討之省思,認為「論贊」為建立僧人傳記理論之基礎; 並且應以佛法為核心,浥注於「論贊」中; 更期待有「佛教傳記學」之專門學習成立.

The two dimensions of Buddhist studies, the texture of scriptures and the phenomena of practice,have been elaborated in biographical collections of monks concretely. Liang Kosoden (梁 高僧傳),a hagiography written in Liang dynasty,proves to be a complete collection of hagiographies in the earliest ancient China. Based upon the virtues of individual monks, Huijiao (慧皎) divided the content of Kosoden into ten divisions and at the end of each division gave "Lun Htsan" to explain the main idea of it. Such a writing style had been repeated in hagiographies of each dynasty thereafter. "Lun Htsan" is the very part that the editor deeply devoted himself to and also the place where he makes a dialogue with his readers. Hence,the research of "Lun Htsan" is very essential for those who are engaged in the study of the Buddhist hagiography.
"Lun Htsan" is part of the biography,but sometimes is considered separate one. If the investigation is focused on the relevance of historical and literary nature in biographical writing,it is more likely to illuminate the function of "Lun Htsan" in Kosoden and its characteristic in itself. In this thesis, I am going to illustrate the significance of "Lun Htsan". My discussion will be as follows:
The introductory chapter is to explain my motive,the purpose and methodology of this thesis, stressing the connotation of "Lun Htsan" and its relationship with the study of the Liang Kosoden,specially the objectivity in it and its literary features.
Chapter Two investigates how "Lun Htsan" is formed historically. I will discuss the status of "Lun Htsan," the context in which it is developed,its framework and signification,and finally its differences from the traditional historic biography. This chapter puts emphasis on the historical background as the preparation for a better understanding of the next chapter.
Chapter Three deals with the objectivity of "Lun Htsan" in two aspects. In terms of form,I try to explore the development of classified divisions and the separation of "Lun Htsan" from biographies, and in terms of content,I account for the relationship between biographical portion and the editor's interpretation of the biographies to figure out the editor's theory. Finally,my main concern will lead to what the theory contributes to Buddhist practice.
Chapter Four is concerned about the literary nature of "Lun Htsan" as to genre and style. Because of "Lun Htsan" in the Buddhist hagiography,the study on the classification of genre tends to be completion. Thus it makes Buddhist hagiography a certain genre and gives us a broader horizon. If Buddhist hagiography is a discipline,"Lun Htsan" will be more significant. In the second part of this chapter,I will talk of the editor's bright mind in the spotlight of his unique style and by examining the text of "Lun Htsan," try to probe for the editor's thought.
I have made a short conclusion at the end of the previous chapters, but in the conclusive chapter,I still bring forth some suggestions for the future research on this topic owing to the predicament I ha
目次1. 0 導論
1. 1 研究動機與目的
1. 2 研究方法
2. 0 論贊之形成 -- 歷史脈絡考察
2. 1 傳記與論贊形成有關之背景
2. 2 史傳論贊發展沿革
2. 3《高僧傳》與其論贊之傳承
2. 4 本章小結
3. 0 論贊之客觀性考察
3. 1 形式上之客觀性表現
3. 2 內容上之客觀性表現
3. 4 本章小結
4. 0 論贊之文學性考察
4. 1《高僧傳》與其論贊之文類
4. 2《高僧傳》論贊之風格
4. 3 本章小結
5. 0 結論
5. 1 僧傳論贊本身的限制
5. 2 僧傳論贊研討之困境
5. 3 論贊研討獲得之省思與發展空間

附錄壹. 「論贊」及「序」等文本資料
一. 傳譯篇 (T50/2059,p.345b~6a)
二. 義解篇 (T50/2059,p.382c~3b)
三. 神異篇 (T50/2059,p.395a~b)
四. 習禪篇 (T50/2059,p.400b~c)
五. 明律篇 (T50/2059,p.403a~c)
六. 亡身篇 (T50/2059,p.406a~c)
七. 誦經篇 (T50/2059,p.409a)
八. 興福篇 (T50/2059,p.413a~b)
九. 經師篇 (T50/2059,p.414c~5c)
十. 唱導篇 (T50/2059,p.417c~8a)
序 (T50/2059,p.418b~8a)
王慢穎與慧皎書信 (T50/2059,p.422b~c)
僧果後記 (T50/2059,p.423)
附錄貳. 有關《高僧傳》研究之脈絡資源

建檔日期2002.04.10; 2002.10.05

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