The two dimensions of Buddhist studies, the texture of scriptures and the phenomena of practice,have been elaborated in biographical collections of monks concretely. Liang Kosoden (梁 高僧傳),a hagiography written in Liang dynasty,proves to be a complete collection of hagiographies in the earliest ancient China. Based upon the virtues of individual monks, Huijiao (慧皎) divided the content of Kosoden into ten divisions and at the end of each division gave "Lun Htsan" to explain the main idea of it. Such a writing style had been repeated in hagiographies of each dynasty thereafter. "Lun Htsan" is the very part that the editor deeply devoted himself to and also the place where he makes a dialogue with his readers. Hence,the research of "Lun Htsan" is very essential for those who are engaged in the study of the Buddhist hagiography. "Lun Htsan" is part of the biography,but sometimes is considered separate one. If the investigation is focused on the relevance of historical and literary nature in biographical writing,it is more likely to illuminate the function of "Lun Htsan" in Kosoden and its characteristic in itself. In this thesis, I am going to illustrate the significance of "Lun Htsan". My discussion will be as follows: The introductory chapter is to explain my motive,the purpose and methodology of this thesis, stressing the connotation of "Lun Htsan" and its relationship with the study of the Liang Kosoden,specially the objectivity in it and its literary features. Chapter Two investigates how "Lun Htsan" is formed historically. I will discuss the status of "Lun Htsan," the context in which it is developed,its framework and signification,and finally its differences from the traditional historic biography. This chapter puts emphasis on the historical background as the preparation for a better understanding of the next chapter. Chapter Three deals with the objectivity of "Lun Htsan" in two aspects. In terms of form,I try to explore the development of classified divisions and the separation of "Lun Htsan" from biographies, and in terms of content,I account for the relationship between biographical portion and the editor's interpretation of the biographies to figure out the editor's theory. Finally,my main concern will lead to what the theory contributes to Buddhist practice. Chapter Four is concerned about the literary nature of "Lun Htsan" as to genre and style. Because of "Lun Htsan" in the Buddhist hagiography,the study on the classification of genre tends to be completion. Thus it makes Buddhist hagiography a certain genre and gives us a broader horizon. If Buddhist hagiography is a discipline,"Lun Htsan" will be more significant. In the second part of this chapter,I will talk of the editor's bright mind in the spotlight of his unique style and by examining the text of "Lun Htsan," try to probe for the editor's thought. I have made a short conclusion at the end of the previous chapters, but in the conclusive chapter,I still bring forth some suggestions for the future research on this topic owing to the predicament I ha