李綱曾為宋高宗的宰相,力主抗金,與媾和派不合,不獲重用. 一生遭貶多次,但心繫社稷民生,上疏論政,深為後世所重,是位偉大的政治家. 其為學,涉及文史哲三學,著作不少. 他是位以儒家為主,釋道為輔的三教合一論者,這在宋代儒學意識抬頭的時代裡,是不見容於當時的道學界的,故後世寡道其學. 作者以為像這樣一位政學兼修的歷史人物,值得全面考究. 就其學思而論,《易》學實李綱自以為能成「一家之言」的部分,故本文即以此為中心加以考察; 雖其主著作《易傳內外篇》二十二卷已佚,但據其《易》序諸篇及與友人論學書,論其一二. 本文擬就以下五節:一前言,二兼綜圓融的思想特質,三李綱《易》說的內容與特質,四論《易》與《 華嚴》合轍,五李綱《易》說在易學發展史上的意義,加以論述,稍補無人之所憾. As a prime minister under the rule of the Sung emperor Kao Tsung,Li Kang firmly advocated a policy of resistance against the Chin. This did not agree with the party advocating the policy of appeasement,and Li Kang was not held in high regard by the court. Despite being demoted several times, he continued to submit memorials to the court because of his concern for the society and the people. These memorials have left a deep impression on later generations who see Li Kang as a great politician. His scholarship covered the three areas of literature,history and philosophy,and his works are many. Taking Confucianism as central,he combined the three teachings of Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism as one. This was unacceptable to the Neo-Confucians of that time. As a result,his scholarship has been rarely discussed. A historical figure such as Li Kang,who was both a politician and a scholar,deserves to be studied comprehensively. Li Kang himself believed that his studies of the I Ching could be "a shool of thought",and the article will take this as the focus of investigation. Although the twenty-two chuan of the inner and outer chapters of his main work on the I Chuan have been lost,we may still gather something of his thinking from the prefaces that he wrote to these chapters and from letters to friends' describing his work. This article has five sections; (1) Introduction,(2) The combinatory and harmonizing character of his thought,(3) The contents and the characteristics of his teachings on the I Ching,(4) The congruence of the I Ching and the Hua Yen,and (5) The significance of I Li Kang's teachings on the historical development of studies on the I Ching. The author has regrettably noticed a gap in the studies on Li Kang and it is hoped that this article will help to fill that gap.