論觀音感應故事敘事結構模式化的原因 -- 一個文學類型的觀察=The Reasons behind the Stylization of the Nattative Structure in the Guanyin Miracle Tales: A Literary Perspective |
作者 |
林淑媛 =Lin, Shu-yuan
出處題名 |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies
卷期 | n.6 |
出版日期 | 2001.12 |
頁次 | 175 - 201 |
出版者 | 圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist College |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
資料類型 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
使用語言 | 中文=Chinese |
關鍵詞 | 觀世音; 感應; 敘事 |
摘要 | 佛教中廣為人熟知的菩薩莫過於觀世音菩薩,其中與《法華經. 普門品》的流傳關係密切,將觀世音菩薩聞聲救苦的慈悲精神闡述無疑. 信眾一心念菩薩聖號,蒙菩薩救度的經驗,稱之為「感應」. 將這種宗教現象記錄下來的,自六朝即有三本觀音感應故事集,南朝宋傅亮的《光世音應驗記》. 南朝宋張演的《續光世音應驗記》和南朝齊陸皋《繫觀世音應驗記》,其中所收錄的感應故事呼應《法華經. 普門品》的流行,一般被稱為輔教之書,同時因文體的關係,被列為小說中的志怪類. 這類感應故事的敘事結構,從六朝以來即呈現模式化的現象,並不因小說藝術的發展而在敘事技巧上有更多發揮. 本文從敘事學的角度,對造成這種現象之因作初步的探討,結果認為宗教文學往往以宗教性為構成文體的第一因,不僅決定了文體的內涵,也影響了文體的形式發展.
The most well-known Bodhisattva in China is Guanyin Bodhisattva. This is mainly due to the wide circulation of The Lotus Sutra, especially the Pumen Chapter [普門品]. The sutra describes in detail the great kindness and compassion of Guanyin Bodhisattva in rescuing people who are suffering and crying for help. When the faithful call the Bodhisattva's name in earnest devotion,they will be rescued from danger and hardship. This is known as "telepathic response". Since the North and South Dynasties there have been many stories about the telepathic miracles of Guanyin Bodhisattva. There were three collections of such tales in the North and South Dynasties written by Fu Liang [傅亮],Zhang Yen [張演] and Lu Gao [陸皋] respectively. These stories indicate the popularity of the Pumen Chapter of the Lotus Sutra. These kinds of books are generally used as an aid in spreading the religion. In terms of literary style they are classified as wierd and wacky tales. The narrative structure of the stories has been standardized in the course of time. It has not changed along with the technical evolution in the art of fiction. This paper discusses this phenomenon from the viewpoint of Narratology. We have found that religious spirit was the primary concern of these works. It not only decided the content of the stories but also influenced the style. |
ISSN | 16086848 (P) |
點閱次數 | 1427 |
建檔日期 | 2003.09.26
更新日期 | 2017.07.25 |

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