The time when Buddhism rised in Turks can be dated back to the period of Taspar Qaghan, the forth ruler of the Turk Khanate who reigned form 572 to 581. The Buddhism was influenced by varied factors from China, India and Central Asia, the present paper contains an account, as far as far as possible of the history of rising and falling of Buddhism among the Turks based on the Chinese Historical and related Turkic materials. Due to doctrine of Buddhism, such as to stop killing, going on a vegetarian diet etc. Contravene to the custom of nomadic life of the Turks, Buddhism became feeble and died very soon after Taspar Qaghan died in Mongolia. Meanwhile, Buddhism of the west Turks lived in Central Asian where Buddhism florished from the early century of Christian era. Kept to the mid-8th century when Central Asia was conquered by force of Muslin arms.