Delusion; 妄想=妄念=prapanca; 正念=覺知=Mindfulness=Awareness; 薩迦耶見=我見=Satkaya-Drsti; 禪修=meditation; 生活中的修行=Buddhism in Life
Much, much more can be said and cited of the Buddhist Teachings. Here given is only an over-all summary. However, it might be clear from even that how interrelated all the Buddhist Teachings and Practices are. Indeed, they may be likened to a gigantic tree. Under its huge canopy there is shade and shelter for many who, when looking up into the intricate network of branches and leaves are overcome by a sense of awe and wonder and who, beholding the living web and miracle of life, may experience a change of heart. With that, the aspiration towards enlightenment is born, and as they now tread the Buddha's ancient path, they themselves become conscious participants in the living miracle and willing and joyful servants of it, for the sake of all beings. There is nothing that is separate, nothing The Buddhist Way and its practice link horizontally to all, relink back to the very ground and essence of all beings, and lead forward into ever-increasing harmony and joyful awareness. The symbol for this is the Bodhisattva, more and more 'becoming Buddha' and thus 'shining' in selflessness and of service to all. To him, 'for the sake of all beings' is not renunciation but fulfilment.
The constant emphasis on 'for the sake of all' holds out much promise for and in our times. It demands, however, clear seeing of what is and correctly responding to that, without selfishness or any other biased delusion, however well-intentioned. Today, in spite of miracles of material improvement, we are sunk into a spiritual ice-age. Accordingly, there is a corresponding yearning for being awakened out of this cold and frozen state of separation and once more becoming a participant, not to say celebrant in the mystery play that life is and which miraculously unites all players and invites them to take up their part and join 'as one' into that Great Dance of LIFE.