
Peaceful Death, Joyful Rebirth : A Tibetan Buddhist Guidebook
作者 Talbott, Harold ; Tulku Thondup Rinpoche
出版者Shambhala Publications
出版者網址 http://www.shambhala.com/
出版地Ithaca, NY, US [伊薩卡, 紐約州, 美國]
摘要Like many traditional religions, Buddhism believes that death is not the end. What awaits us in the inevitable dying process, and how will we cope with the suffering and confusion that may arise? The centuries-old, vibrant Tibetan tradition of Buddhism offers inspiration, reassurance, and wise advice about death and dying, whether our own or that of our dear ones. Tulku Thondup presents the essence of these teachings in simplified language for the benefit of Western readers.

1. Human Life: Our Precious Days
(A) Precious Human Life Is Rare
(B) Life Is Impermanent
(C) Life Is Created by Karmic Causes
(D) Life Is Full of Miseries
(E) The Great Potential of Life
2. Dying: The Crucial Hour of Life
(A) The Process of Dying
(B) Delog Accounts of the Experiences of Death
3. The Ultimate Nature: Glimpses of the Luminous Natur
(A) The Ultimate nature Experienced at Death
(B) Delog Accounts of the Ultimate Nature
4. The Bardo: The Momentous Transitional Passage
(A) The Bardo, the Transitional Passage
(B) Delog Tales of the Bardo, the Transitional Passage
5. Rebirth: The Ineluctable Karmic Cycle
(A) Six Realms, the Places of Worldly Rebirth
(B) Six Emotions, the Seeds of Rebirth in the Six Realms
(C) Blocking the Wrong Birth Doors and Choosing the Right Ones
Blocking the Wrong Birthplace
Choosing the right Birthplace
6. Outline of Ritual Services for The Dying and the Dead
Introduction to Death Rituals
(A) Religious Services before Death
(a) Purification
(b) Merit Making
(c) Empowerments for Dying
(d) Dedication and Aspiration Prayers
(B) Religious Services at the Time of Death
(a) Instructions at the Time of Death for Ordinary People
(b) Instructions and Death Services for Great Masters
(C) Religious Services After Death: Thirteen Steps of Death Ritual
7. Some Simple Buddhist Death Rituals
section 1. Common Buddhist Meditations on the Four Causes of Taking Rebirth in the Blissful Pure Land
(A) Preliminary Practices
(B) The Four Causes of Taking Rebirth in the Blissful Pure Land
(a) The First Cause: Remembering the Pure Land
(b) The Second Cause - Accumulation of Merits
(c) The Third Cause - Developing Enlightened Attitude
(d) The Fourth Cause - Dedication and Aspiration
(e) The Liturgies of the Four Causes
(C) The Mantra and the Name-Prayer
(D) Concluding Practices: Dedication and Aspiration Prayers
section 2. Eight Esoteric Buddhist Rituals for the Dying and the Dead
Introduction to the Eight Rituals
Performance the Eight Death Rituals
(A) Preliminary Practices
(B) Visualization and Contemplation of Oneself as the Buddha of Compassion
(C) Summoning the Consciousness of the Deceased and Giving Teachings
(D) The Sur Offering to the Deceased (Skip if impractical)
(E) Dharma Instructions to the Deceased (Optional)
(F) The Meditation and Prayers of Phowa, the Transference of Consciousness to the Pure Land
(G) Prayer Meditation on the Buddha of Infinite Life (Optional)
(H) Dedication and Aspiration Prayers
8. Accounts of the Blissful Pure Land and the Buddha of Infinite Light
9: How Survivors and Helpers Can Help The Dead
(A) Important Roles of the Survivors
(B) Making Merits
(C) Buddhist Rituals for Non-Buddhists
(D) Universal Meditation for All
(E) Instructions for Buddhists and those Open to Buddhism
(F) Meditations for Buddhists and Meditators
(G) Helping Others Helps Oneself
(H) Some Simple Tips
Glossary: Some Frequently Used Terms
Bibliography: Sources Cited and Key to Abbreviations
ISBN159030182X (hc)

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