This essay discusses the viewpoint of you (being) and wu (nonbeing) via Kumarajiva’s version of Mulamadhyamakakarika. Firstly, the idea that neither-you-nor-wu is the core thesis of Mulamadhyamakakarika is presented. Secondly, the reason Mulamadhyamakakarika makes the claim of neither-you-nor-wu is due to people’s wrong views of either-you-or-wu. Thirdly, although neither-you-nor-wu is its central position, it is ultimately not a view to be attached as an abiding one. That is, the main goal of Mulamadhyamakakarika is to get rid of all views with attachments. Fourthly, on the level of ultimate truth there is no view as you or wu, but on the level of worldly truth Mulamadhyamakakarika accepts conventional judgments of you and wu. From this dynamic process of cross usages of negation and confirmation, therefore, we can see the specialty of Mulamadhyamakakarika‘s theoretical structure.