由於現存敦煌地區文殊菩薩作品以中唐時期為發展的一高峰期,這樣的現象,自然容易令筆者聯想到在中唐時期宣揚文殊信仰最著名的沙門──不空三藏(705-774)大師。希望透過檢視不空三藏推動文殊菩薩信仰發展的過程,能夠有助於瞭解敦煌地區中唐文殊造像盛行的可能原因。本文主要將以文字資料作為解析的對象,企盼藉由成書時間相近於不空三藏生沒年代的漢譯經典等相關文獻資料,建構不空三藏宣揚文殊菩薩信仰發展過程的概況。 During the mid-Tang dynasty, the development of belief in the boddhisattva Manjusri reached its peak around the Dunhuang area. This phenomenon reminds the author of Amoghavajra (705-774), the most famous monk who propagated the Manjusri bodhisattva belief during this time. Through examining the means by which Amoghavajra promoted it, I hope to reveal the possible factors that resulted in the popularity of this belief in mid-Tang around Dunhuang. This thesis is based on textual analysis, focusing on the Chinese sutra translations and related documents of Amoghavajra's time, to construct the process how Amoghavajra promoted this belief.