倶舎論根品心不相応行論 ー 世親本論と諸註釈の和訳研究 (4) -=On Cittaviprayuktasaṃskāra in the Abhidharmakośa, Chapter II —An Annotated Japanese Translation of the Abhidharmakośa and Its Commentaries (4)—
Vasubandhu discusses the discrimination of possession(prāpti) and non-possession(aprāpti) from various perspectives in the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya ad. Abhidharmakośakārikā II 37-40. Those perspectives are the three time periods, the three moral qualities, the location by the realm in which possessions and non-possession are connected, three kinds of practitioners, and the path in which possessions and non-possession are to be abandoned. This article is an annotated Japanese translation of the texts discussing the discrimination of possession and non-possession from various perspectives found in Vasubandhu’s Abhidharmakośabhāṣya, Yaśomitra’s Sphuṭārthā Abhidharmakośavyākhyā and Sthiramati’s Tattvārthā Abhidharnmakośabhā ṣyaṭīkā. I have also added notes on the passages of Pūrṇ avardhana’s Lakṣaṇ ānusāriṇī Abhidharmakośaṭīkā where the passages are different from Sthiramati’s Tattvārthā. This article is a continuation of ”On Cittaviprayuktasam. skāra in the Abhidharmakośa, Chapter II ―An Annotated Japanese Translation of the Abhidharmakośa and Its Commentaries (3)―,” Journal of Indian and Tibetan Studies (Indogaku Chibettogaku kenkyu), No. 12, 2008.