鈴木大拙與東亞大乘觀念的確立 -- 從英譯《大乘起信論》(1900年)到《大乘佛教綱要》(1907年)=D. T. Suzuki's Conception of East Asian Mahayana Buddhism: An Investiation of Rhetoric Implications in his English Works
This paper examines two of Suzuki Daisetz Teitaro's works in English, The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana and Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism. This paper investigates the influence upon Suzuki of Carus's romantic thought of Buddhism, Suzuki's and Suzuki's reflections upon Japanese Buddhism during the Meji period. Rhetorical expressions in Suzuki's works betray his sense of the nobility and superiority of (Japanese) Mahayana Buddhism in comparison to other religions. When Buddhist studies began in the West, Suzuki's works decisively influenced the later study of Mahayana Buddhism. This paper shows the hidden religious and political implications of Suzuki's works.