Iyanaga Nobumi 彌永信美,Daikokuten henso: Bukkyd shinwagaku I 大黒天変相一 仏教神話学I Kyoto: Hozokan, 2002. x + 651 d d ., including bioiiography and motif/deity/place name/personal mme/Daizdkyo reference indexes. ¥14,000 cloth, isbn 4-8318-7671-2.
Iyanaga Nobumi, Kannon henydtan: Bukkyd smnwagaku II 観音変容譚ー仏教神話学II Kyoto: Hozokan, 2002. ix + 769 pp.,including bioliography and same set of indexes as Volume 1. ¥18,000 cloth, isbn 4-8318-7672-0.