Juliana Essen, Soka University of America; jessen@soka.edu
Mainstream economic thought and practice has resulted in widespread socioeconomic disparity and environmental devastation in all corners of the world, unmitigated by a multi-billion dollar development industry informed by these same economic models. To reverse this trend, the dominant forms of economic thought and practice must be reunited with ethics that are more caring of the human-nature base. Such ethics may be found in alternative economic models based on religious, spiritual, environmental, or feminist values. This essay considers one such alternative: Buddhist economics. After outlining a theory of Buddhist economics, this essay considers two models: the Royal Thai Sufficiency Economy Model and the approach adopted by the Santi Asoke Buddhist Reform Movement of Thailand. Both are conducive to economic activity that is more socially just and environmentally sustainable, particularly due to their ethics of self-reliance, moderation, and interdependence.
Introduction 71 Buddhist Economic Ethics for the Individual 72 Case Study One: The Royal Thai Sufficiency Economy Model 77 Case Study Two: The Santi Asoke Buddhist Reform Movement of Thailand 82 Social and Environmental Ethics 87 Concluding Considerations 94