殖民地時期真宗大谷派在台灣佈教的演變 -- 台北別院落成的象徵意義=The Change of the Shinshu Otani-ha's Missions in Taiwan: Focusing on a term from the beginning of the Japanese Colonial Period to the time of a Formation of the Taihoku Betsuin
I researched about the change of Shinsyu Otani-ha’s missions in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period. In my thesis, I would analyze its missions from the beginning of the Japanese colonial period to the time of a formation of Taihoku Betsuin which played an important function of its religious activities. A statistic analysis referring the number of temples or its believers showed that the Otani-ha took the Taiwanese as a main target of its missions at first, however, after the Taisho era, its believers were almost the Japanese. Comparing to other religious groups such as the Jodo-Shinshu Honganji-ha or the Souto-shu, the Shinshu Otani-ha could not increase its number of believers from the Meiji era to the Taisho era. After that, the Otani-ha gradually increased its believers and spread its influences. One of the mainreasons of the Otani-ha’s success was to change its object from the Taiwanese to the Japanese.