
天台智者對「中道實相」直觀方法之詮釋研究=An annotation research of Tien-Tai Zhi-Zhe to the intuition method of middle way of reality
作者 施凱華 (著)=Shih, Kai-hua (au.)
出處題名 圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies
頁次105 - 140
出版者圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist College
出版者網址 http://www.ykbi.edu.tw/
出版地桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
使用語言中文=Chinese; 英文=English
關鍵詞中道實相=the middle way of reality; 相即不二=not different and not two; 純圓獨妙=chwen yuan dwu miaw; 一念三千=yi nann san chian; 四種觀法=four kinds of meditation
摘要於天台智者而言,掌握佛教之形上本體-「中道實相」之認識詮釋,乃展現出其不離現象而言本體之要旨,意即呈顯出「即現象即本體」的特質義涵。於形上本體論證層次面向而論,即呈顯出即現象即本體之本體詮釋進路;於對形上本體認識掌握及觀照慧悟之方式,即開展出現觀直證的當體直觀辯證模式,意即是對於「中道實相」圓頓現觀之方法詮釋展現。其方法乃呈顯出即現象直觀本體之圓融頓超模式,而且亦以圓即圓遍圓頓的形式,圓融圓攝且圓應於諸差別對象之相異的名義、觀念、根器、與理知等多層向度,此正是符應於法華一乘圓頓教觀思想所展現之「正直捨方便,但說無上道」與「開權顯實」、「開麤顯妙」之圓妙直觀的不思議境界體現。因是之故,本論文欲從二重論證進路,以之開展出天台智者對「中道實相」直觀方法之詮釋要義。首先,分別從三種面向探究智者所建構之形上本體詮釋觀點:一、以法華一乘「中道實相」為正體,二、即現象即本體之詮釋(非本體之本體詮釋),三、「相即不二」式的超越主客唯心論。其次,從四種面向開展智者對「中道實相」直觀方法之詮釋:一、「即」之辯證法的圓融應用,從(一) 即主體即客體 (精神與物質,心識與境相) 之融攝,(二)即緣起即實相之融攝,(三) 即真空即妙有之融攝,(四) 即相待即絕待之融攝,以及(五) 即言詮即離言之融攝等五種面向之開演,以之彰顯「即」之辯證法所蘊具之相即不二之圓妙義,二、純圓獨妙之教相現觀義理詮釋,三、「一念三千」之圓頓現觀開展,四、四種觀法之會漸「圓觀」之方法應用。透過此二重義理向度之辯證圓詮,藉以觀穿天台智者開展「中道實相」直觀方法之詮釋核心要義與終極真實理趣。

To master metaphysic of middle way of reality for Tien-Tai Zhi-Zhe, is to develop the meanings of essence of phenomenon. Discussing in the dimension of proving metaphysic of reality is to display the way of metaphysical annotation of phenomenon which is the same as essence. In the field of the forms of understanding and enlightening reality, it will develop the form of clearly observing reality. That is to develop the method of the annotation having a clear view of the truth perfectly and immediately. The methods are displayed by the way of the perfect and sudden of observing reality through phenomenon. Applying the forms of Perfect is to fuse, complete and fill the different dimensions of idea, reason, concept, perception etc. That is compatible with incredible reality of the doctrine of the single vehicle taught in the Lotus Sutra. Consequently, this paper would apply two kinds of route to develop the explanatory meanings of Tien-Tai Zhi-Zhe to the intuition method of middle way of reality. In the beginning, through three kinds of dimension this paper can prove
the thought of Zhi-Zhe establishing the metaphysics of reality.: the first is the foundation of the doctrine of the single vehicle taught in the Lotus Sutra; the second is the annotation of phenomenon which is the same as essence; the third is the theory of idealism of transcending the subjective and objective. Next, there are four dimensions to develop the annotation of Zhi-Zhe establishing the methods of observing reality. The first is the application of dialectical method of becoming one. There are five ways to develop the perfect meanings of “not different and not two”: first way is the integration of the subjective and objective; second way is the integration of conditioned genesis and reality; third way is the integration of emptiness and existence; fourth way is the integration of interdependence and transcendent; fifth way is the the integration of conception and inconceivable. The second is the annotation of the perfect and sudden of Lotus sutra. The third is to develop yi nann san chian of the perfect and sudden of observing reality. The fourth is the methodological application of four kinds of observation from the gradual to the perfect. With the above two kinds of route this paper can explain the core meanings and the ultimate truth of Tien-Tai Zhi-Zhe developing the intuition method of middle way of reality.
目次一、前言 109
二、智者所建構之形上本體詮釋學 111
(一)、以「中道實相」為正體 111
(二)、「即現象即本體」之詮釋 114
(三)、「相即不二」式的超越主客唯心論 117
(四)、四種觀法之「會漸歸圓觀」之方法應用 131
四、結論 135
ISSN16086848 (P)

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