Unlike the way used to explain the other chapters (pin, 品 ) in the Huayanjingshu 華嚴經疏, Chengguan applied a different explanation system to explaining the “Shidipin” 十地品. This system based partly on the Shidijinglun 十地經論 was adopted by Zhiyan’s “Shidipin” in the Huayanjing souxuanji 華嚴經搜玄記 and Fazang’s “Shidipin” in the Huayanjing tanxuanji 華嚴經探玄記 as well. It indicates that grand masters in annotating “Shidipin” have involved the Shidijinglun, except referring the Huayanjing. This text is mainly to analyze Chengguan’s method of sutra exposition. It consists of three parts. First of all it introduces the adoption and development of Chengguan’s fashion of sutra exposition on the “Shidipin” in theHuayanjingshu, not only chiefly regarding the seven gates distinction in each explanation for Fazang’s “Shidipin” in the Huayanjing tanxuanji, but adding the supplement to improve the four kinds of inadequacy in ancient masters’ sutra exposition. This method breaks through the old tradition, creating a new one. Secondly, though Chengguan’s quotation of sutra expositions includes both the clear citation and the connotative usage, only the clear citation is analyzed in this text. Since the number of Chengguan’s quotations of sutra exposition is more than 40, which is too huge, this text focuses mainly on the five theorizing books with more citations and systemic descriptions, namely, Yuqieshidilun 瑜伽師地論, Shedachenglun 攝大乘論, Chengweishilun 成唯識論, Dazhidulun 大智度論 and Jushelun 俱舍論. Finally, it concerns the explanation of the meanings of words. The annotations of Chengguan’s Huayanjingshu simply follow the original meaning with gentle interpretation, using Chinese traditional “critical interpretation of ancient texts” (訓詁學) to explain the classics. Thus this text has to probe into the annotations, from three orientations separately: critical explanation of meanings of words, explanation of Buddhist names and forms, and interpretation on relative concepts