There are four Chinese translations of Dignāga’s Ālamba na pa rīkṣā-vṛtti.The earliest translation, Wuxiang sichen lun, by Paramārtha, is dated between 557 and 569 C.E. The second one, Guan suoyuanyuan lun, by Xuanzang, was done in 657. The third one, completed in 710, was included in Yijing’s translation of Dharmapāla’s Commentary, Guan suoyuan lunshi. The last version, by Lü Cheng, was translated from the Tibetan in 1928.1 In Lü’s work, all four versions are arranged in parallel form for convenience of compari-son. Lü concluded that, as far as the original text was concerned, Para mārtha’s version and the Tibetan version were very similar, while Xuanzang’s version was rather close to Yijing’s.2 A similar comparison by Ui Hakuju was conducted in 1958 partially on the basis of Lü’s contribution.
[Table of Contents]
1. Introduction 117 2. Main theses in Dignāga’s Ālambanaparīkṣāvṛtti 120 3.Tracing Xuanzang’s interpretation in Dharmapāla’s Commentary 127 4. Reconstructing the reasons for Paramārtha’s translation 130 5. Concluding remarks 135 References 137 Primary Sources 137 Secondary sources 137