法界緣起=Dharma-realm Dependent a rising; 相即自在=Mutual entry and Complete Freedom; 一即多=Unity as Multiplicity; 一念成佛=To be Buddha in a Moment; 互攝互入=Implication each other and Identity each other; 因果同時=Contemporary Causation; 海印三昧=See-Sealed Samadhi; 華嚴三昧=Hua-Ten Samadhi
There are ten philopsophic ideas expressed from the grand 《Hua-Yen Sutra》, it's hardly to tell who had created this system between the first and second master of Hua-Yen sect. We should prefer the thought more than the master. In this system, it seems too complicate to study, may be we could condense it from ten to five or three, remain several items only, such as time、space、subject、mutual relation、and causality. Time and space are the problems in western philosophy, a miracle in eastern relegion. In this theme the master try to tell us: causation is contemporary, but keep it's order at the same time. That's the reason why the Saint Buddha could enlightment at one moment, and continue practice many many lifes. Time and space are not two items, it's One. one moment equals eternal, cause and effect influence ench other. In Hua-Yen philosophy, meditate on this system, we could choose one way to handle it, everyone is execelent.