敦煌楞伽經變使用唐譯七卷本《楞伽經》原因試析=The reason of chosen 7 fasciculi texts translated by Shikchananda responsible for the illustrations to Laňkā vatāra-sūtra in Dunhuang Art:A survey
Beginning by Bodhidharma,the great patriarch of Chan master,the Chan School in early established period,the activities of transmission of Buddhist doctrines devoted to the 4 fasciculi of Laňkāvatāra-sūtra which of a text translated by Gunabhadra,A.D.443,of the LIU Song Dynasty(420-479).Around about later 8th century,the Northern School of Chan Sect began to using 7 fasciculi texts which was translated in the Tang Dynasty and it was found to hold in esteem.This new trend were introduced to Shazhou(Dunhuang) by Puji and his activities westward together with the new trend of the Northern School of Chan Sect,execution of the illustrations to Laňkāvatāra-sūtra were found to be followed the text of 7fasciculi in Dunhuang by this time.This article attempts to discussing the deep reason for the transformation in text proof by a careful study all available academic materials of Dunhuang to supporting the convincingly conclusion.