「觀音救難」的形象圖示 -- 莫高窟第359窟西壁龕內屏風畫內容釋讀=Illustration to Guanyin s (Avalokitesvara) story of saving life from sufferings:An interpretation of the screen-paintings inside the niche of Cave 359 Mogao Grottoes
This article has made a comparative study on the screen-paintings inside the niche of Cave 359 Mogao Grottoes and drew a conclusion that the screen-paintings are not the representations of the Nine-unexpected-death of Tathōgata Bhai ajyaguru Sūtra, but Avalokiteshrara’s saving life from sufferings, the illustrations to Avalokiteshrara story from Saddharmapundarika Sūtra. This article thus inferred that the screen-painting served as a combining form with the paintings on the western celling of Cave 359 together to presenting the belief of Saddharmapundarika-Stura.