溫姜多無例吉祥興善寺修建史實考述 -- 兼論藏文史書記載的溫姜多寺、昌珠寺與于闐工匠入藏的關系=A Textual Research of The Von Cang Dor Dpal Med Bkra Shis Dge Vphel Gyi Gtsug Lag Khang: With the Explorations into The Relationship between Von-Cang-Dor,Khra-Vbrug Temple and Li-Yul Craftsmen in Tibetan Arc
The ups and downs of The Monastery of Von Cang Dor(Wen Jiang Duo Si) which has been worshipped as the holy site of Buddhism in Tibet ever since the Tubo period to date was accompanied with the historical changes of Tibetan politics and religion and experienced the cultural exchanges among the Tibetan,the Han and other ethnic people of China.This paper starts with a discussion on the locations of Von Cang Dor Pho Brang(Palace)(Wen Jiang Duo Gong) and Von Cang Dor Gtsug Lag KFhang(Monastery)(Wen Jiang Duo Si) and the dates when they was first built up to analyze the sources available in the Dunhuang texts and inscriptions on Tubo bronzes and stone tablets as well as Tibetan historical documents related,and study the architectural style during the reign of Tibetan King Ral-Pa-Can through the 20th century,therefore to draw the conclusion that The Palace of Von Cang Dor in Tubo period is the only extant building featured by the Han-styled pagoda with thick eaves in Tibetan region.Besides,the paper makes a research of a few related historical events such as the li-yul craftsmen came to Von Cang Dor in Tubo period.