敦煌壁畫臨摹=Copying of Dunhuang wall painting; 國立敦煌藝術研究所階段=Period of Dunhuang Art Research Institute; 敦煌文物研究所階段=Period of Research Institute of Dunhuang Cultural Relics; 敦煌研究院階段=Period of Dunhuang Academy(Translated by WANG Pingxian)
Copying of Dunhuang wall paintings began very early. Systematic copying of Dunhuang wall paintings, which began after the inception of the Dunhuang Art Research Institute, has been carried on for nearly seventy years. In this period, The Dunhuang Art Research Institute was first named the Research Institute of Dunhuang Cultural Relics, and then named Dunhuang Academy. Our understanding of and requirements for copying Dunhuang murals in these three periods are very different, and this has kept this undertaking going forward with a well-targeted goal.