理學闢佛論與佛門護法論的對諍,是宋明思想史上值得關注卻較被冷落的研究議題。宋末以來,程朱理學成為官方正統思想,其闢佛論述掌握了學術界的話語權;於是捍衛佛門義理的護法著作乃相應而生,針對理學家的觀點進行反駁。明初居士沈士榮所著的《續原教論》,即是其中的代表作之一。降至晚明,理學思想的發展已臻爛熟,佛教界亦大有復興之勢,儒佛之間的溝通更為頻繁緊密,會通三教的思想家管東溟於此背景下,重新回頭檢視程朱的闢佛論和沈士榮的護法論,撰寫《續原教論評》一書,試圖從一更高的視野化解兩者的對立。一場超越時空、多重視角的義理對話,遂在此文本中展開。 無論是《續原教論》或《續原教論評》,皆是長期為當代學界所忽視的著作,後者更因文本獲取不易,致使其豐富的內容沈埋久之。本文首先對沈士榮《續原教論》的基本架構與主要論點加以介紹,並考察此類護法書在晚明的流傳情形。其次分析管東溟在《續原教論評》一書中,面對闢佛與護法的論諍,所展現出的思想立場、時代關懷、以及在宋明思想史上的意義。企能在儒釋交涉的議題上,對學界有所貢獻。 The debate between Neo-Confucianists and Buddhists during the Song-Ming dynasties, in particular, the Buddhist counter-argument in retaliation of Neo-Confucianist criticism, is an issue in Chinese intellectual history which has been relatively neglected by academia. Contrary to the bias of academic interest toward the Neo-Confucian side of the argument, works in defence of Buddhist thought since the late-Song dynastyare actually available and worth studying. One such work is the Supplement to the Treatise in Defence of Buddhism(abbrev. STDB)by Shen Shirong in the early-Ming dynasty. Guan Dongming’s Critique of the STDB is an attempt to consolidate both sides of the ㄙargument to offer a multifaceted and non-polemic perspectiveon the issues involved. This essay begins by offering a brief introduction to the STDB, followed by a survey of similar works in circulation during the late Ming dynasty. The latter part of the essay aims to analyze Guan’s philosophical stance, epochal concernsand its significance in Song-Ming intellectual history as presented in his Critique of the STDB. This studyis expected to shed light onthe issue of Confucio-Buddhist interplay.