This paper will survey the Agama Sutras for discourses that the Buddha and his disciples engaged in with Indian political leaders. The purpose of this paper is to identify the contents delivered and methods utilized by the Buddha in his discussions with rulers and political leaders. The relevance of Buddha’s advice and methods across time and space is determined by the political situation and social environment under which the advice is given. Hence, the context of the Indian political, economic and social conditions will also be studied. From this paper, we can see how Buddha has been compassionately concerned for the people: he has been advising political leaders on their personal lives, as well as how to rule for the benefit of their subjects. Buddha has taught on matters ranging from proper diet, reduction of greed, ethical rule, to the prevention of conflicts and wars. His teachings have ranged from ethical to philosophical. He has narrated stories from the cosmological past as well as given analogies from contemporary times. Through a variety of means, the Buddha and his disciples have taught political leaders how to govern themselves and others in order to maintain health, justice and peace.