淡江大學中國文學系=Department of Chinese Literature, Tamkang University
臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
期刊論文=Journal Article
圓教法門=practice's ways of Perfect-teaching; 四種三昧=Four Forms of Sam dhi; 智顗=Zhi-yi; 天台宗=T'ien-t'ai Buddhism
天台宗是中國佛教最具代表性的宗派之一,以教觀雙美著稱,對於天台宗最重要的圓教修行法門,已有許多研究,但是圓教法門實有許多,尚未有全部完整之彙整呈現。本文之目的即在根據天台宗立宗大師智顗(538-597)之著作,分析歸納出其所提到的圓教法門,匯整出完整全面的天台宗圓教法門。研究結果綜整出智顗所提到的圓教法門有:四種三昧、首楞嚴等百八三昧、九種大禪、十波羅蜜、諸佛不動等百二十三昧、無量義處三昧、圓觀六妙門、圓極七覺、種性三昧、一心三觀、十法成乘、圓五行、二十五方便、通相三觀,以及《法華玄義》所提的其餘圓教法門:三十七道品、止觀、聞思修、戒定慧、四念處、五門禪、六波羅蜜、七善法、八正道、一心精進、聞思修《觀普賢菩薩行法經》、四安樂行、五品弟子、六根清淨、十種戒之三(隨順戒、畢竟戒、具足諸波羅蜜戒)、十境界等。由之進一步可以看出,智顗早期所提可視為圓教之法門,實以「九種大禪」為代表,另即是「首楞嚴等百八三昧」。「方等三昧、法華三昧、覺意三昧」等單一三昧行法,原初並無圓教之旨,直到天台三大部時方收入四種三昧,成為圓教法門。智顗思想後期之天台三大部與維摩經疏所言圓教法門,則明顯轉為以「一心三觀」歷「十法成乘」為主,「四種三昧」為輔。《法華玄義》所提其餘圓教法門,則僅是配合增數之說,將各種法門引入,可以約圓理而說之而已。 T'ien-t'ai Buddhism is a representative school of Chinese Buddhism. Both of its theory and practice's ways are excellent. There are many papers about the practice's ways of ”Perfect-teaching” (圓教), which are the most important ways of T'ien-t'ai Buddhism. But there is not a paper shows all the ways ”Perfect-teaching” has. This paper will collect all the practice's ways of ”Perfect-teaching” by analyzing all the books done by Zhi-yi (智顗AD.538-597). According to my research, the representative practice's ways of ”Perfect-teaching” is ”Nine Great Meditation” (九種大禪), the next one is ”One Hundred and Eight Samādhi” (百八三昧). ”Fang-dang Samādhi” (方等三昧), ”Dharma Lotus Samādhi” (法華三昧) and ”Jue-yi Samādhi” (覺意三昧) are not practice's ways of ”Perfect-teaching” primarily until they are subsumed in ”Four Forms of Samādhi” (四種三昧). In those books of Zhi-yi's later stage, ”Three Authoritative Works of T'ien-t'ai Buddhism” (天台三大部) and ”Commentaries of Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa Sūtra” (維摩經疏), the essential practice's ways of ”Perfect-teaching” became to be ”Threefold Contemplation in One Single Mind” (一心三觀) and ”Meditation in Ten Stages” (十法成乘), and ”Four Forms of Samādhi” (四種三昧) are their assistant practice's ways. Other practice's ways of ”Perfect-teaching” mentioned in the book of ”The deep meaning of Lotus Sūtra” (法華玄義) are just several practice's ways in general explained with the principle of ”Perfect-teaching”.