Indian Buddhist monks and nuns who commit pārājika offences are generally deemed to be asamvāsa ("not in communion"). In this paper I question the simplistic equation of asamvāsa with "expulsion." I discuss the case of a matricide monk who, having been expelled, went down the road and set up a new monastery. I use this example to throw light on local and translocal aspects of Buddhist monastic ordination, suggesting that asamvāsa may refer not to a loss of communion from the Sangha of the Four Quarters, but from a specific, local monastic community.
Introduction 115 Asamväsa: Expulsion or No Longer 116 Monkhood after Expulsion: The Case of an "Expelled" Matricide Monk 126 Local and Translocal Monastic Communities 129 Conclusion 136 Acknowledgements 136 Abbreviation 136 References 137