Yin-shun had many famous disciples in the academic and religious field. They are very influential, and continue to contribute to the expansion of his school. Yin-shun School focuses on the spread of Humanistic Buddhism. In the early stages, Yin-shun's disciples concentrated on recording his philosophies teachings. Then, during the second phase, disciples focus from teaching basic Buddhism to Humanistic Buddhism. One of the prominent disciples to spread Yin-shun's philosophy was Shih Chuan–dao who spread humanistic philosophies, such as concentrating on and purifying the "here and now and human world." The second most prominent disciple to spread Yin-shun's philosophy was Shih Chao-hwei who identified humanistic philosophy of purifying human environment and taught how to mature in Buddhism. She emphasized two humanistic ethics, which included choosing proper motive, following pure processes and ensuring pristine result and purification of the mind and assist others. Another disciple is Shih Xieng-guang focused on Humanistic Buddhism meditation. She bases her methodology on Yin-shun's Zen philosophy and told about the singnificance of doing medition in Mahayana Buddhism. She also followed some Theravada practices, and developed the Zen system within Humanistic Buddhism. In conclusion, Humanistic Buddhism is central philosophy of Yin-shun school. His disciples have been extremely instrumental in developing and spreading his philosophy. Today they can be found all over the world carring on Yin-shun's tradition.