現代性與本土性的詮釋辯證:二戰後臺灣「漢傳佛教」歷史的新局開展及其在地轉型問題=Modernity and the Dialectical Interpretation of Indigenous: After World War Ⅱ History of Chinese Buddhism in Taiwan a New Discussion
雙源匯流=Dual-source convergence; 在地轉型=Local transformation; 漢傳佛教=Chinese Buddhism; 解嚴=Martial law; 逆中心互動傳播=Against the center of interactive communication
This article is to introduce the new book ”History of Chinese Buddhism in Taiwan after the war,” write the interpretation of the concept and related issues. This book was early April 2011, officially published by the five South Press. Therefore, this article will propose to Buddhism in Taiwan in 1949 after the development is in the special ”dual-source convergence, ”under direction” and the inverse transformation in the way interactive communication center, ”the new interpretation of history, to replace the original four Related biased argument.