敦煌文獻《般若波羅蜜多心經》唐.佚名注本再探:以天理大學圖書館イ183-293為中心=Further Research of the Anonymous PrajñāpāramitāHṛdayasūtra Annotations in Tun-Huang Document of Tang Dynasty -- Focused on ィ 183-293 in Tenri Central Library
The study mainly focused on PrajñāpāramitāHṛdayasūtra kept in Tenri Central Library, which was discovered in Tun-Huang during Dao-Guang period. This document is comparable to the manuscripts in cave No.17 of Mo-Gao-Ku, such as Ben-Wei-Zi No. 10 of Bei-Jing collection (BD03610, Bei 8561 of microfilm), French collection P.3904, and Jin-Yi 275, 256 of Tien-Jin collection. After investigation and comparison, the relationship among these manuscripts was revealed, and the content of this document was restored. More importantly, throughout the various versions of manuscripts, the Chinese translation of the incantation was not seen except this sutra, and the annotations were anonymous and long lost, which is of great documentary value and religious importance. The whole sutra was transcribed in Tang calligraphy in neat formation, possessed with colophons by several calligraphy masters of Qing Dynasty, in which scattering of Tai-Ping army in those years, and diplomatic affairs were mentioned. Thus it is invaluable on history of documents, calligraphy, religion, and historic materials of Qing Dynasty.