Hierarchy and Housing in a Buddhist Monastic Code: A Translation of the Sanskrit Text of the Śāyanāsanavastu of the Mūlasarvāstivāda-vinaya—Part One (from the Sanskrit)
Introduction 92 The Section on Bedding and Seats 101 I. Dealing With Competing Claims For Status and First Access to Material Goods - 101 II. A Prehistory for the Principle of Monastic Seniority: The Jataka of the Partridge - 104 III. Dealing with the Housing Problem and the Origin of Viharas - 108 IV. The Biography of Anathapindada and Building the Jetavana: Anathapindada's Early Life - 109 V. Anathapindada Reaches His Majority, and Makes a Name for Himself - 110 VI. Anathapindada Sees the Light and Meets the Buddha - 112 VII. Anathapindada Invites the Buddha to Sravasti, Says He Will Build a Vihara There, and Is Assigned a Monk Assistant - 116 VIII. Entrapping the Owner and Stacking the Court: Some Questionable Maneuvers in the Purchase of the Jetavana - 117 IX. Quelling Local Religious Opposition to the Presence of a Vihara: Sariputro Struts his Supernatural Stuff 118 X. The Local Religious Opposition Does Not Give Up Easily: A Little More Magic Mixed with Some Kindness 121 XI. Building a Vihara Down Here Creates a Mansion in Heaven: Sariputra's Revelation. 123 XII. The Buddha Goes to Sravasti with Considerable Pomp and Circumstance 124 XIII. A Telling Glitch in the Presentation of the Vihara and an Attempt to Account for Its Anomalous Name 126 XIV. Legal or Not, Anathapindada Had Given the Same Land before and Will Do It Again. 126 XV. The Religious Roots of Anathapindada's Extraordinary Vision and Poking Some Fun a/ Other Religious Groups 129 Abbreviations 132 NOTES 135