
Radical Egalitarianism: Local Realities, Global Relations
作者 Aulino, Felicity ; Goheen, Miriam ; Tambiah, Stanley J. ; Fischer, Michael M.J.
出版者Fordham University Press
出版者網址 http://www.fordhampress.com/
出版地New York, NY, US [紐約, 紐約州, 美國]
摘要In this volume, leading scholars in anthropology, religion, and area studies engage global and local perspectives dialectically to develop a historically grounded, ethnographically driven social science.The book's chapters, drawing on research in East and Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas, are also in conversation with the extensive work of editor and contributor Stanley J. Tambiah: They all investigate some aspect of what Tambiah has called "multiple orientations to the world." The implicit focus throughout is on human cultural differences and the historically constituted nature of the political potentialities (both positive and negative) that stem from these. As a whole, then, the volume promotes an approach to scholarship that actively avoids privileging any one conceptual framework or cultural form at the expense of recognizing another-a style of inquiry that the editors call "radical egalitarianism."Together, these scholars encourage a comparative examination of contemporary societies, provide insights into the historical development of social scientific and sociopolitical categories, and raise vital questions about the possibilities for achieving equality and justice in the presence of competing realities in the global world today. Michael M.J. Fischer's Afterword provides a brilliant exegesis of Tambiah's multifaceted oeuvre, outlining the primary themes that inform his scholarship and, by extension, all the chapters in this book.
目次[Table of Contents]

Introduction: EngagingRadical Egalitarianism p.1-12

Part I Religion, Trade, and Transnational Networks via Thailand
The Charisma of Saints and the Cultof Relics, Amulets, and Tomb Shrines p.15-50
Understanding Social Totalities:Stanley Tambiah’s Early Contributionto Sociology of Thai Buddhism p.51-67
Transnational Buddhism andthe Transformations of LocalPower in Thailand p.68-79
A Muslim King and His BuddhistSubjects: Religion, Power, and Identityat the Periphery of the Thai State p.80-88
Part II Cosmologies, Ideologies, and Localities
Economies of Ghosts, Gods, and Goods:The History and Anthropologyof Chinese Temple Networks p.91-100
Trade, Religion, and Civic Relationsin the Manangi Long-DistanceTrade Community p.101-110
Cosmologies of Welfare:Two Conceptions of Social Assistancein Contemporary South Africa p.111-118
“A Recurrence of Structures”in Collapsing Nigeria p.119-136
People and Ideas Travel Together: Tambiah’s Approach to Ritual and Cosmology in Brazil p.137-145
Paradoxes of Order in ThaiCommunity Politics p.146-158

Part III Violence, Political Conflict, and Humanitarian Intervention
Structural Work: How Microhistories Become Macrohistories and Vice Versa p.161-190
Perspectives on the Politics ofPeace in Aceh, Indonesia p.191-208
A Tale of Two Affects: Humanitarianism and Professionalism in Red Cross Aid Work p.209-219
At the Base of Local and Transnational Conflicts: The Political Uses of Inferiorization p.220-232
Afterword. Galactic Polities,Radical Egalitarianism,and the Practice of Anthropology: Tambiah on Logical Paradoxes, Social Contradictions, and Cultural Oscillations p.233-258

Notes p.259-288
Bibliography p.289-326
Contributors p.327-330
ISBN9780823246199 (E); 9780823241897

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