本資料由 李玉珉老師 提供
莫高窟第158窟的納骨器與粟特人的喪葬習俗=Ossuary Found in Cave 158 at Mogao Grottoes and The Funeral Service and Burial Custom of The Sogdiana |
作者 |
出處題名 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research
卷期 | n.2 (總號=n.84) |
出版日期 | 2004.04 |
頁次 | 13 - 18 |
出版者 | 敦煌研究編輯部 |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | 蘭州, 中國 [Lanzhou, China] |
資料類型 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
使用語言 | 中文=Chinese |
關鍵詞 | 納骨器; 粟特=Sogdian; 中西交流 |
摘要 | 本文主要以中亞各地發現的納骨器為比較材料 ,推斷莫高窟第 15 8窟涅般木 圖中弟子們頂禮膜拜的箱形物就是粟特人祭葬祆教徒時所用的納骨器。證明了在中唐時期 ,至少在一部分祆教徒之間仍然遵從著粟特人的喪葬習俗。同時以新發現的第 196窟甬道南壁的“甘州薩保”題記為研究材料 ,推斷元代至清代之間的敦煌周邊仍然有粟特人的聚落。
This article put towards an opinion that a particular square-shaped box found at the very end corner of the eastern wall on the illustration to the Nirvana-Sūtra in Cave 158 at Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang Grottoes which had been held and obviously worshiped by the Buddhist disciples is actually ossuary in which that Buddha’s holly osteal were collected. The ossuary which was frequently and habituated to be used by the Sogdiana when they practiced the funeral services in offering sacrifices among Zoroastrianists. This opinion is firmly set to the comparative study to the variety archeological discoveries of ossuary from the ancient cultural sites of the Central Asia. This article also proved a fact that there were a few Zoroastriants had lived at near by Dunhuang and they had still observed on and practiced the funeral service and burial custom of the people of Sogdiana during the Mid-Tang Dynasty. At the same time, this article is published a new finding inscription as Ganzhou Sabao(甘州薩保) had mentioned which are found to be written on the south wall of the entrance of Cave 196 at Mogao Grottoes dating from Later-Tang Dynasty. It is a valuable evidence to proof the fact that there were at the least a group of the Sogdiana still lived at Dunhuang or nearby area during the period of the Ming and the Qing Dynasties(16th-18th century). |
ISSN | 10004106 (P) |
研究類別 | 繪畫 |
研究時代 | 唐代 |
研究地點 | 甘肅(敦煌莫高窟) |
點閱次數 | 491 |
建檔日期 | 2016.05.12 |
更新日期 | 2018.03.12 |

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