敦煌莫高窟「報恩吉祥之窟」三考 -- P. 2991《報恩吉祥之窟記》新解=The third investigation of Baoenjixiang Cave at Mogao Grottoes:A new approach to P.2991,Construction Records of the Baoenjixiang Cave
Based on previous studies by research fellows, this article examined extensively the contents and conclusion of a matter three important clues on the figurative evidence and textual nature regarding the Baoenjixiang Cave at Mogao Grottoes: the location of Baoenjixiang Cave on the cliff, the idea of ’returning parents’ kindness’ which had been mentioned in P. 2991, and the main image group of Vairocana with the Eight Great Bodhisattvas. And then this article put forward a new observations about P. 2991, Construction Records of the Baoenjixiang Cave, that it is unnecessarily study the function of motif of the Eight Great Bodhisattvas by statues inside of cave but consideration should go into the motif of the wall-paintings based on relative elements of a textual elements associated with function of those iconographic evidence comprehensively. Through a careful investigation on-site, the author concludes that Cave 153 at Mogao Grottoes is most likely to be the Boenjixiang Cave recorded in P.2991.