Abstract The Thought of Decay and Termination almost ran through the history of Chinese Bud- dhism. Every time Buddhism was put under a ban then it must be often folloused by the trend of the Thought of Devay and Termination. lt. had greatly influence on the development of Buddhism, resulting in the emergence of Buddhist thought and sects and the construction of more and more grottoes and statues. The Thought of Decay and Termination first emerged in the Northern Liang. Dharmaksema, the great monk of that time promoteel the Thought and advanced that Buddhism should be divided into three periods:The first period was the correct doctrine of the Buddha, whose period was to last 500 years. The second was the semblance period of 1000 years and then by the period of decay and termination, lasting 10, 000 years. According to the historical data and inscriptions on unearthed artifacts, the Thought had agreat vogue in the Northern Liang and Buddhists all believed that the period of decay and termination began in 434A. D. Then the Thought of Decay and Termination even exerted a tremendous influence on Buddhism of the Northern Dynasties and Tang dy- nasty.